Regional statistics
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Population and demographic processes
Culture and sport
Domestic trade
Discontinued series
Children in early education institutions by age groups, in territorial aspect, 2008-2023 (Updated: 4/4/2024, Size: 11 Kb)
Early education institutions, in territorial aspect, by LOCALITIES, 2015-2023 (Updated: 5/16/2024, Size: 555 Kb)
Pedagogical staff in early education institutions by education level, in territorial aspect, 2003-2023 (Updated: 3/28/2024, Size: 11 Kb)
Early education institutions in territorial aspect, 2003-2023 (Updated: 5/24/2024, Size: 13 Kb)
Children and pedagogical staff in early education institutions in territorial aspect, 2008-2023 (Updated: 3/29/2024, Size: 12 Kb)
General schools in territorial aspect, 2003/04-2023/24 (Updated: 4/8/2024, Size: 12 Kb)
Primary and general secondary education institutions and students, in territorial aspect, by LOCALITIES, 2015/16-2023/24 (Updated: 5/16/2024, Size: 646 Kb)
Provision of computers in institutions of primary and general secondary education, in territorial aspect, 2008/09-2023/24 (Updated: 4/9/2024, Size: 13 Kb)
Pupils and pedagogical staff in institutions of primary and general secondary education in territorial aspect, 2013/14-2023/24 (Updated: 4/9/2024, Size: 23 Kb)
Students in secondary vocational education by sex, in territorial aspect, 2008/09-2023/24 (Updated: 2/27/2024, Size: 19 Kb)
Graduates of secondary vocational education by sex, in territorial aspect, 2008-2023 (Updated: 2/27/2024, Size: 11 Kb)
Secondary vocational institutions in territorial aspect, 2008/09-2023/24 (Updated: 2/27/2024, Size: 11 Kb)
Postsecondary vocational institutions in territorial aspect, 2008/09-2023/24 (Updated: 3/1/2024, Size: 8 Kb)
Graduates of postsecondary vocational institutions by sex, in territorial aspect, 2008-2023 (Updated: 3/1/2024, Size: 8 Kb)
Students in postsecondary vocational institutions by sex, in territorial aspect, 2008/09-2023/24 (Updated: 3/1/2024, Size: 8 Kb)
Health protection
Information technologies
Investments in assets
Justice and crime
Labour force and earnings
Living standard of the population
National accounts
Population social assistance